Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How often do you breath?

So, do you have a guess? What do you think is the most common excuse I hear about not exercising?

It probably comes at no surprise to most of you, it is the dreaded "time" excuse. "I'd love to exercise I just don't have the time." "I have work, my kids, my house to take care of, there's just no time left to exercise." So on and so forth.

Over the next week or so I'm going to talk about why I think this excuse is just that, an excuse, and holds no water. I'll cover some staple strategies for dealing with time, finding it, and using it for exercise.

First of all, you need to change how you think. You need to alter your core thought processes. Think of exercise as a PRIORITY. And I'm not just saying that to be taken lightly. I mean a serious priority. On the same level as taking care of your kids, or paying your bills, eating, breathing, bathing (for most of us.) That's the level I'm talking about.

"But Ryan, can you really be serious? You really mean I should think of exercise on the same level as taking care of my kids? You're nuts. You're a crazy person. But you're still handsome."

I may be nuts, but I think it's more nuts to not take care of your kids' parents. Exercise prolongs life and makes that life better. Better health, energy, attitude etc.. All that will lead to your kids being happier and healthier as well. Not to mention them learning by imitation to live a more active, and in turn, healthier lifestyle. So definitely take care of your kids, and one of the ways for you to do that is to exercise regularly yourself.

So step one is to change your thinking. Exercise is a PRIORITY. A serious priority. When asked how often one should exercise a great man once said, "How often do you breath?" I love that.

Train smart,



Blogger Binky said...

The importance of instilling in our kids a good exercise ethic is a good thing for me to be reminded of, especially as my daughter gets closer and closer to becoming independently mobile. It's easy for me to push exercise to the wayside when I'm so busy that I sometimes even forget to breathe--and yet it's more important than ever to get into a good exercise routine as I strive to get my pre-pregnancy body back while fighting to keep up a metabolism that isn't going to get any better with age! I hope your positive attitude and your knowledge inspires a lot of people through this blog.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

My daughter turns 3 on Monday. I was a stay-at-home dad for the first year of her life. I'm still home with her a lot. Her whole life she's seen me exercise. She imitates and it's so cute. She cheers me on by saying, "Go daddy go!" I was/am determined to not let her get to the point I was at when I was a child, fat and lazy. I say there's nothing wrong with throwing on a Dora video (or your child's show of choice) to keep them in the room while you work out in the corner. Thanks for the comment.

5:45 PM  

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