Thursday, July 27, 2006

Go date yourself!

You've been thinking of exercise as a priority right? It's amazing how just that makes all this time you never realized you had just pop up out of nowhere.

Honestly, this priority thing is all you need. In fact, all the other strategies I'm going to cover are only possible when you have the mental backdrop of thinking that way. So no matter what, always remember, exercise is a serious priority!

Make an appointment with yourself.

Yes, you read that right. Make an appointment with yourself, or for you more romantic types, think of it as a date with yourself. If you're a busybody. list-maker type of personality try this on for size. Schedule a time, even write it down if you have to, when you will exercise, no matter what. Think of it as important as going to work. Analyze your day, I have never met a person yet who couldn't find at least 20-30 minutes at some point to schedule an appointment with themselves to exercise.

This strategy always worked well for me. Back when I worked for someone else (oh how terrible it was) I had to do this. It was the only way I could get it done. And believe it or not, it works. You begin to not think of it as exercise. It's just something you need to get done. So you just do it, bang it out, and continue your day. Then you realize, "Hey, I just had a good workout and still got to everything else I had to do."

Again, you need to take it seriously. Make the appointment, keep the appointment. Don't you hate it when someone postpones or cancels something you've planned your life around? Me too. So don't do that to yourself. That would just be silly.

Train smart,



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