Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I just saw an article online with the title, "Cola Raises Women's Osteoporosis Risk"


That's not all it does.

If you ask anyone who knows me well they will tell you one of my common sayings is, "Soda is poison." I mean it.

Have you ever looked at the ingredients on any can of soda? It looks like the same list that came with my little chemistry set I had as a kid. And don't be fooled by "diet" soda. It's all the same, a cesspool of dangerous addictive chemicals. Don't think that just because a soda is "caffeine free" or "sugar free" with no calories that it is not addictive.

I've known people who have dropped poundage by doing nothing but cutting the soda out and adding more water into their eating plan.

Water is all you need.

It was a great thing when the soda machines were taken out of schools. Next step is the sport drinks, they're still there. And they are just as bad. I've been around sports a long time, as you know, I am a wrestling coach. I can say this with 100% confidence, the sport drinks are no better than plain old water. In fact, water is better. Your muscles are 78% water. If you want to replenish them, give them water, not sucrose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, citric acid, monopotassium phosphate, etc...Don't let the marketing companies fool you.

If you are having trouble starting a healthy eating style begin by ditching the soda and dropping the sports drinks and fake juices. Stick to water, and lots of it. You'll be amazed.

Most people walk around dehydrated all day and don't even know it. Why? I believe because for the past couple generations we've grown up that way. We've been drinking the sodas and the like, which actually dehydrated us more, and not getting enough water. So we've grown used to it.

I had one client once who took this advice and went from drinking about 3 liters of soda a day to that same amount of water. Oh, this was "caffeine free diet" soda so she shouldn't have had any withdrawal symptoms right? Wrong. She was miserable for about 2.5 days. But it was well worth it. After she got over the withdrawal she told me she felt damn near super-human. She had never felt so, as she put it, "correct."

I like that.

Do you want to feel correct? Take some of this advice and give it a shot. Finally feel what it's like to be hydrated.

And you women out there can hold onto your proper bone density.

Train smart,



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