Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's Morphin' Time! 3

Okay, today is the poor poor Endomorph. Which is the category I fall into.

Endomorphs tend to be round people. They have a thick build. Their hips are as least as wide or wider than their shoulders. Our metabolisms are naturally on the slow side. We tend to hold onto fat as hard as possible and have some difficultly gaining muscle, particularly upper body muscle. Oh, and we have big legs.

If you're an endomorph than you'll have to work harder to get the same results as other more fortunate body types. That's just the way it is. But no matter how hard we train our bodies just will not get as "cut" as a Mesomorph. Our bodies just don't do that.

Being a Endomorph isn't so bad. It makes me constantly work hard, because if I let up, the weight begins to come back fast.

One natural perk for endomorphs is our legs. We usually have pretty strong hips and legs naturally.

This does not mean endomorphs can't be athletes. I'm one. And I know many many others. It just takes training. I've know endomorphs who are stronger and more athletic than any Mesomorph I've met.

It's all about how hard you work, bottom line. Your body type only limits how you will look, not how you can function. It just takes time and effort.

Now all these body types are not exact. There are variations among them all. There are short and tall versions of each.

I just want you to be aware of this, so next time some mesomorph "trainer" is telling an overweight endomorph it is possible for them to look like Brad Pitt in 6 weeks you will go slap them in the back of head and call them out on it, and watch them squirm.

Train smart,



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