Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's Morphin' Time! 2

Today we're going to discuss the Mesomorphs. These are the people we all hate (well maybe not hate but you get the idea.)

This body type has broad shoulders. Has no trouble burning fat and building muscle They have fast metabolisms and are naturally lean. They have hips that are not as wide as their shoulders and legs that are usually smaller, although with training they have no trouble adding muscle to those too. These are the "natural athletes" we all know and, um, love.

It's not their fault they hit the genetic jackpot. This is also the body type of most the trainers out there (not me though.) They just have a natural tendancy to gravitate towards fitness and athletics because that's what they naturally excel at. I think this is a problem because they don't really understand how difficult it is for other body types to burn fat and build muscle. They conclude people are just not working hard enough, which isn't always the case.

The Mesomorphs will tend to get the same, if not greater, results with half the work. It's just their bodies. No need for the rest of us to whine about it (but I kind of am aren't I?)

However, as they get older their metabolisms can slow down like most of us and they might find themselves gaining fat fast. That's why you see the jocks from high school coming to the 20-30 year reunions with big beer guts.

If you're a mesomorph, consider yourself blessed. But please, don't be so quick to call other people lazy. We just don't get results as fast as you, and can never get as "ripped" as you.

But you know what? We might be more mentally tough because we have to put ourselves though more to get the same results. Yeah that sounds good.

Tomorrow we'll learn about the last body type. Which is the most "unlucky" type, and what I happen to be. Until then...

Train smart,



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