Friday, September 29, 2006

Another old article...

I got some response from this article. Good and bad. I like both. It means people are reading.


I'm No Doctor But...
by Ryan Linderson

I'm no doctor but people seem to always ask me my opinion on health related issues.

I'm no doctor but I do have several strong opinions on how to stay healthy.

This article might seem a little, well, blunt. That's me.

As a society we tend to believe anything someone says if they have a "Dr" in front of their name. I don't know about you, but before I buy into anything I research it like crazy. I don't take anybody's word as fact no matter what title they have. Just because someone puts something in writing does not mean it's the truth. Including me.

People must take control of their health by seeking out knowledge. Knowledge by itself is not power. The use of knowledge is power.

Whenever you hear of any new breakthrough or drug or health product of any kind, try this, follow the money. Find out who will make money off of it. More often than not you can track the money either directly or indirectly to the same group that was promoting it as the new best thing for your health.

An example is coffee. Now I used to be a coffee addict and I still enjoy the occasional cup. Black, the way coffee was meant to be enjoyed. Have you noticed lately it seems every week a new study has come out to suggest coffee can raise you from the dead? I've heard it prevents colon cancer, heart disease, diabetes and so on. I don't know if it does, and don't really care. I did some digging and found out one of these "studies" was funded by the same parent company that owns a major coffee producer. That's all I needed to know in relation to this study. Drink coffee if you want, but don't count on it to keep you healthy.

You can find links like that on almost every "new study" that suggests anything about anything. People want to make money and some will do whatever they can to make as much as possible. Remember that.

Do drug companies really want to cure disease? Or would they rather you take a pill everyday the rest of your life so you can live with the disease and pay them for that pill? Think about it.

Here's another little tip: Try to stay natural when possible. Lose weight by eating right and exercising. Gastric bypass surgery is not necessary to lose weight. I've heard of some doctor's virtually strong-arming obese patients into this very dangerous surgery. If you're considering this surgery make sure you research all the negative outcomes (including deaths) not just all the happy ones you see on TV. Then make your decision. Actually, before you do research some more and find all the stories of people who've lost 100-200+ pounds without rearranging their insides. It can be done. Yes, even by you.

You don't need to take a bunch of magic pills or drink magic elixirs either. Skip all those and just read the fine print on the advertisement where it says, "...with a sensible diet and moderate exercise..." That will be sufficient. Trust me.

Beware of these new commercials trying to make a useless supplement seem like a new miracle weight loss drug. They even try to make it seem like they care about you (besides your wallet) by stating you shouldn’t take their pill unless you’re serious about losing body fat and have at least 20 pounds to lose. Please. Marketing anybody?

Listen to your doctor, but do your own research. Never follow anybody blindly. It's your health, not theirs.

And don't get me started on overweight doctors.


Train smart,



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