Monday, September 18, 2006

Fat Frustration

I read an article this weekend that said, unless public health takes urgent measures (whatever that is), childhood obesity will reach 20 percent by 2010.

As many of you know, not many subjects get me fired up like childhood obesity. And the thought that in just 4 short years 1 in 5 of our children will face the challenges and limitations brought on by the AVOIDABLE condition of obesity, well, drives me nuts.

It's so easy to avoid.

So so easy.

They just have to eat better and move more. And that's it!

I've written quite a bit about this subject. I know I sometimes repeat myself. But I don't care. It's worth repeating.

I was talking to this mother recently. She was telling me about her 12-year-old daughter who was "just getting so heavy." She didn't know what to do. Oh, this mother also happened to be at least 50 pounds overweight herself.

I asked the mother about her own diet, and her own exercise program. Even though I knew what the answer would be. She told me she "didn't eat too bad, but didn't really exercise that much." That's code for, "I eat bad and never exercise." I asked what kind of food she has in the house. Does she drink soda? Fast food? Etc... She answered my questions and it was obvious to me (and her at that point) that she was living the lifestyle of an obese person.

She eventually asked, "What about my daughter though?" I really couldn't believe it hadn't clicked in her head yet.

"Your daughter is you. She learns her lifestyle from you. She eats the food you supply. She learns about how important exercise is from you."

I hope she got the point.

Sure at some point it becomes the kids' responsibility. But those early important developmental years are all the parents. The only reason (barring a medical condition) your children get obese is because you allow it to happen.

Don't allow it.

Train smart,



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