Thursday, September 14, 2006


Something I recommend all people do, at least when they're just starting a workout program is to keep an exercise journal. Write down everything you do. Or, my favorite way, you write down what you're going to do and check it off as you go.

A workout journal is a great way to make yourself accountable to something. Not being accountable is one of the main reasons why people fail to exercise. Truth is some people just won't do it unless there's someone or something literally forcing them.

Although a journal is really just a piece of paper, it acts like a mirror. It reflects back to you the type of person you are. You begin to ask yourself: Am I the type of person who commits to something then doesn't follow through? Or: Am I the type of person who does what they say they are going to do? That blank piece of paper will tell you. It either stays blank, or you write something on it. And if you write something on it you better well do what you wrote.

The journal is also a great way to track your progress. In a few months you can look back and see how far you've actually come. That really helps with motivation. "Wow, a month ago I couldn't even do 3 pushups, now I can do 25 straight!" Or something like that. The proof is in the journal.

Having trouble getting yourself going? Take out a notebook and write, "Sept. 14, 2006-" Now you've got to do it.

Train smart,



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