Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Buy This

Sometimes I like to flip around the TV on Saturday and take a gander at all the infomercials selling fitness related products. I think it's amazing how there's a new incredible breakthrough in fitness training almost every week.

Sure, I suppose if you get on one of these contraptions and move you'll burn some calories. Maybe get some results even. But the truth is there is no miracle apparatus that will magically get you in shape, no matter what their marketing says.

I approach fitness on a "blood and guts" level. You do not need one single piece of equipment to get started. In fact, you can workout your entire life and get into awesome shape without touching one single piece of equipment. And this is what I teach my clients. I use some minor equipment every now and then just to mix things up, but that's about it. And the equipment I use is nothing like you'll find in a glossy heath club.

You see it's not about getting the biggest "pump" in your muscle. It's about working your body as one unit to achieve goals. That's when you get into functional fitness training, which is the good stuff. You'll get "pumped" doing this too, trust me.

I saw the new infomercial for this thing they're calling the "Bean" this past weekend. It's just an inflatable rocking bench thing you can sit on and do stuff. Pretty much a modified stability ball. Looks like just buying that will give you the body of an Olympic gymnist. Nope. Just another thing to waste your money on and never use. You see, you can buy all the stuff you want, but that's not going to change your mental state. That's what you really need to work on. Get your mind in the right place, then get moving. You'd be better off spending you money on a good book about motivation than the latest fitness gizmo.

I'm sure not all the people developing these fitness producs are bad people. But just remember, the only reason they are selling or endorsing these things is to make money. That's not a bad thing but it's something you should never forget.

Always remember: All you need to exercise is your mind and body. Everything else is frosting. And I guess it could be good frosting, but it's nothing without the cake. And the cake is nothing without the baker.

Train smart,



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