Monday, August 28, 2006

Mind Games

We'll get back to principles of training next time.

Today I want touch a little on getting the most out of your workouts.

In order to get the full effect you must put your mind into the exercises. By this I mean, don't distract yourself mentally. Your mind/body connection is never greater than when your body is under stress. Wether it's good (exercise) or bad stress. Nuturing this connection will actually make you mentally and physically stronger. And yes, I believe smarter.

This is the main reason why I'm not to crazy about listening to distracting music or watching TV while you exercise. It just takes something off.

You often hear athletes talk about "the zone." The zone is when your mind/body connection is at it's peak. Everything is working together in harmony and you can accomplish things you wouldn't be able to do just any old time.

If you try to distract yourself while you exercise and just go through the motions you are robbing yourself of some of the best benefits of exercise. I find that when I'm in good physical shape my mind seems to follow. I want to read more, I want to learn more, and I do.

Also, mentally focusing on the muscles and energy systems your using while exercising can lead to greater physical results as well. That little bit of focus can enhance your form, or make that contraction just a bit better. It can add repetitions or time. It can work wonders.

One time while I was jumping rope I got so into "the zone" I just kept going until I had more than doubled my usual amount of jumps per workout. And since then my jump rope training has never been the same. That never would have happened if I was watching TV while I was doing it.

Get inside your mind while your exercise. Focus. Cultivate the mind/body connection. It will serve you in every aspect of your life.

Train smart,



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