Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Soak it up

What's one of the simplest things you can do to lose weight and be healthier?

Drink water.

Never touch soda again, it's poison, even "diet" soda. It's chock full of unnatural chemicals. Stuff I don't want in my body, and you shouldn't either.

Now how much water should you drink? I believe the common "Eight 8 ounces glasses a day" idea is lacking. And here's why: 8 x 8 = 64 ounces a day. Now does every human body need just 64 ounces a day? Did Andre the Giant need the exact same amount of water every day as someone with Dwarfism? I don't think so.

There's a way to figure out how much your body needs. This is a good way to get a rough estimate depending on your activity level: you need 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of bodyweight.

So a 200 pound man needs 100 ounces of water, if he's very active he'll need even more. I usually try to drink a gallon a day, that 128 ounces. No I don't weigh 256 pounds, but I am very active so I feel 1 gallon is a good daily intake for me. And sometimes I'll drink more.

If you do this and cut out all the poison liquids you're consuming everyday you will feel incredible. Your body will be saying 'Thank you' for finally giving it what it needs. You'll sleep better, you'll recover from exercise faster, you'll be healthier, basically you'll just feel great.

Most people walk around in a constant state of dehydration. So they don't even know what it feels like to be truly hydrated. Are you one of them? Trust me, being hydrated is a good thing. It's what nature intended.

Give water a chance

Train smart,



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