Wednesday, August 02, 2006


One of my favorites exercises is jumping rope. I do it at least every other day usually. It's a great workout that can be done in place of jogging. In fact, that's how and why I got into it. I hate jogging, always have, always will. It's boring. However, I still wanted to get that aerobic element into my workout regime. I don't really like big bulky machines, they're big, they're bulky, and they're expensive. So stair machines, and bikes, and treadmills are out, for me anyway. If you have one and like it, then use it if you want.

A good jump rope cost a few bucks.

I've read in more than one source that 10 minutes of rope jumping is equal to 30 minutes of jogging for your heart. I don't know if that's true, but I've heard it from a few people so it must be right? Anyway, it sure feels like the truth.

At first it might be hard for you to learn. You want one jump for one revolution of the rope, none of this little baby jump in between each regular jump you see little girls do on the playground. Start with both feet together. When you get good you can start the running step. Then all kinds of fancy things are possible, although I usually keep it simple. I just want the workout, I'm not looking to win any creative rope skipping competition (yes they actually have those.)

So if you're looking for something different, challenging, great for you, and maybe a little fun, try jumping rope.

I know some of you might be thinking, "How is jumping rope any less boring than jogging?"

All I can say is it just is, for me anyway. I like to count my jumps and try to beat my records for consecutive jumps without a miss (as of yesterday, 2047.) Or I'll set a timer for 10 minutes and try to get more jumps in that time than I did last time. There are also different kinds of jumps ropes. There are light speed ropes, there are heavy thick ropes, there's rope rope, plastic rope, leather rope. All delivering a different style workout. I recommend getting two, a speed rope and a heavy rope. Give it a shot.

It's too hot to be jogging outside anyway.

Train smart,



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