Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kids today.

Yesterday was my daughter's third birthday.

We went around the area checking out a gymnastics school and a couple dance studios. Keeping kids active is one of my core beliefs. Probably because I've always felt like I was robbed of that when I was a kid due to migraines. I would get several severe migraines a week and sometimes it seemed that even the thought of physical activity brought one on. Consequently I spent a lot of my childhood staying still trying not to hurt. Luckily, I seemed to mostly grow out of it around puberty time. Although I still get migraines, it's nowhere near as often as it used to be. Also exercise seems to help them now, go figure.

My wife really wants my daughter to do dance, which is fine with me. I'm more into the gymnastics. Gymnastics give children a solid foundation to build on. They become aware of how to use their bodies. Spatial awareness, strength, balance, flexibility, coordination, all benefits of gymnastics training. I wish I had done it. Even though I would have been "too big" for gymnastics according to all the "experts." I still would have gotten a lot out of it.

Whatever the activity is I highly encourage you to get your kids moving. Even if they're resistant to it. Force them if you have to. Hopefully you won't. Help them find a passion, something they enjoy, even love, that will keep them in shape.

I see it all the time in my coaching, kids today are, for lack of a better word, soft. And this is just over the last 5-10 years. I don't know, or really care, whose to blame. Video games, TV, junk food, whatever it is, the facts are kids are fatter than ever, sicker than ever, and are going to grow into adults that die sooner and sooner.

Kids learn by imitation. That's a point you'll hear me say over and over. Be active yourself and they will too. Teach them to live better. I think that's the greatest birthday present I could ever give my daughter.

It looks like we're going to go with both, dance and gymnastics, sounds like a plan.

Train smart,



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