Thursday, August 10, 2006

DMV Fitness

I had to go to the DMV today.

One thing I noticed is how much negative energy is flowing through that place. Everyone is in a bad mood. It's like a festering pit of negativity. Sure, no one likes being there. But, what are you going to do? You have to be there so at least try to be positive.

Something I do in situations like that is simple deep breathing exercises.

It's something you can do in a public place because no one can really tell you're doing anything. Just suck in a nice controled deep breath, think about breathing from your feet. Fill your whole body with air. Hold for a count or two then exhale, slowly. Do that a few times and I guarantee you'll feel better. As you inhale think of breathing white positive energy into your body and as you exhale imagine expelling thick, black, negative energy.

This is also great to do before and/or after a good workout.

I can't make going to the DMV a pleasurable experience but this can at least make it a little better.

Train smart,



Blogger Binky said...

Good call. I need to remember this one. In theory I understand the power of positive thinking, but it's so hard for me to put it into practice. Baby steps!

12:05 PM  

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