Friday, August 04, 2006

How to never pass out in a heat wave.

I saw an article yesterday that's headline was, "Obese people more likely to pass out due to heat."

Call the President!

That falls into the, "No s**t Sherlock category."

I know sometimes I may seem harsh on fat people. I know I am. I used to be one of them so it's okay, at least in my head. I know the only reason people are fat is because they choose to be. They eat bad and they don't exercise. You can shoot out all your excuses, bad genetics, no time, whatever it is, I'm not buying.

Now of course I realize there are the very very rare cases when someone truly is trapped by some medical condition. But truth be told, those situations are RARE, and most likely not you.

Here are some basic tips you can do to begin your path to non-obesity: Eat breakfast. Drink ONLY water (no soda, no juice drinks a.k.a. high fructose corn syrup smoothies.) Walk. Practice deep breathing exercises. No junk food, if it comes in a wrapper, bag or box don't eat it. Those should get you started.

So I would recommend if you don't want to have an increased risk of passing out during a heat wave that you stop being obese. Right now!

Train smart,



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