Friday, August 11, 2006

Resistance is NOT futile.

So resistance training is the same thing as weight training right? Wrong.

This is a common misconception.

Weight training IS resistance training, BUT resistance training is not only weight training.

Something as basic as a pushup is still resistance training even though there are no iron weights involved. You are still lifting the resistance of about 65-70% of your body weight.

I hear from older folks sometimes that their doctors want them to start resistance training. Then they tell me they just don't want to lift weights, or are scared too. I tell them what I just told you. You don't need the weights.

There's body weight exercises, resistance bands, all kinds of things you can do that don't involve one weight.

If you like lifting weights, more power to you. Just realize, they are not the be all and end all of fitness.

One of the main things that put me off the weights for good was the fact that it seemed every lifelong weightlifter I met who was over 30 had a grocery list of injuries as long as his arm. Lower backs, rotator cuffs, elbows, wrists, knees, ankles...heavy weightlifters just seem to always be injured in some way. I just didn't want that. I like to be able to move. I like to be in shape and be able to do stuff that being in shape allows me to do.

So resistance training is important, it is key. You must do it. But you don't need those weights.

By the way, if any of you out there would like to get some resistance bands/cables I can recommend a company that sells the best on the market, commercial quality stuff. Just ask.

Train smart,



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