Monday, August 21, 2006

No Dancing Around it.

Today is the big day. Dance registration for my daughter. And I predict she will be a star pupil. She has been dancing since before she could walk. Sure, I know a lot of babies do the little bopping up and down when they hear music, but now that she's 3 she always wants to dance. She strikes poses, puts her arms in the air. And I swear she's already learned to pause for applause.

I hope she loves dance and makes it a part of her life forever. It will keep her active and in shape.

Kids need activity. And that's the problem. Most kids today are passionate about video games instead of playing REAL games and sports.

I've written about this before and I will do it again. We as parents MUST guide our children onto a path of a healthy and active lifestyle. I will expose my daughter to all kinds of sports and activities as she gets older. Anything that strikes a chord in her soul I will do my best to harness and let her explore it further. But right now, at the tender age a 3, she seems to be digging the whole dance thing.

In my coaching at the high school level I am constantly amazed by how soft kids are today. But then I think back to how I was at that age. Fat and lazy. But I had something in my mind, call it stubborness, but once I decided to change, I knew I could and I did. I was/am mentally tough. Kids today seem to be lacking that as well. I'm not sure if sitting in front of screens and monitors all day zaps away motivation or what, but our children are in trouble. They feel trapped, even if they don't know it yet.

I've had freshman come into my wrestling practice thinking it was going to be easy, and that they didn't have to do what THEY didn't think was necessary. Just plain piss poor attitudes to put it exactly right. But once you break them of that. Give them some direction, teach them to focus in on the mind/body connection within them. They change. And change dramatically.

So get your kids involved in something. Find that passion. They might whine now, but they'll thank you for it in the future.

So we're starting with dance. Of course she'll learn to wrestle and fight too. Just in case she needs it.

Train smart,



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