Friday, August 18, 2006

Think and Grow Fit.

I'm a bit pressed for time today so I'm going to share with you another one of my more mature (nice way of saying old) articles.


Think and Grow Fit
By Ryan Linderson

Everything begins with an idea. Those of you who’ve read the classic book by Napolean Hill, “Think and Grow Rich” understand this concept. Everything in life we manifest, beginning with a simple idea. Put desire and passion behind that idea and you get results. The book deals with making money. However, the same concept does apply to fitness.
You’re not in the best physical condition. You admit it. You want to change it. You need to change it. There’s the idea. The thought of you in the best shape of your life. Feeling and looking great.
Go write it down.
First write down the condition you are in today, then the condition you want to be in. Next write down when you want to be in that condition, then write what you’re willing to do to get into that condition (i.e., workout everyday, stop eating junk food, etc.) This is your goal. You have it written out, which automatically more than doubles the chances of it becoming reality. Ask any successful person if they write down their goals and more often than not you’ll get a loud, “Of course I do!”
What you write would look something like this, “I, John Doe, am 30 pounds overweight on June 10, 2005. I want to be 30 pounds lighter by September 10, 2005. I will accomplish this by exercising 5 days a week. I will also cut my food portions in half since I know they are twice as big as they need to be.”
Now what do you do?
You read that goal out loud to yourself as many times a day as you can. It becomes a burning desire. A burning want. When the human mind truly wants something it finds ways to get it, no matter how hard or how out of reach it is.
Does this really work? You bet it does.
When I was a sophomore in high school I was still fat. I was on the wrestling team as the heavyweight but I was still too fat. I weighed around 230 at that point with a very high body fat percentage. Then my coach told me I was going down to the 189-pound weightclass the next season. That was how it was going to be he told me. He didn’t ask me, he told me. That one sentence changed my life.
In my mind, faliure was not an option. I was going to weigh around 190 the next year. And I did. One-hundred ninety pounds on the dot the day of my junior year physical.
I had stumbled onto the concept. I didn’t recongnize it then, but I do now. I wrote down “190.” I posted it in the room I exercised in so it was always on my mind. My coach’s words echoed in my head. I wanted it bad. I thought about it constantly. It worked.
You need to be your own coach. You are an important person in your life aren’t you? You are important to your kids, your family, your friends. What you say does matter. Tell yourself what you want for a fitness level. Write it down to constantly remind yourself. Your brain will automatically search out all the necessary means to accomplish your goal.
Everything begins with an idea. It’s simple. It’s the truth. You have the power to change your body into whatever you want it to be. Use the power. Think and grow fit for life.


Have a great weekend, exercise a lot!

Train smart,



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