Thursday, August 17, 2006

Is it partly cloudy or partly sunny?

Nothing is more toxic than negative energy. Yet some people seem to feed off of it, not thrive, just survive.

Have you ever met someone like that? They just seem to enjoy it when not-so-good things happen to them. They like to complain and moan about their miserable lives. And they just attract more negativity to themselves like a magnet.

I try to live my life in positive energy. Sure I get bummed out sometimes, but I always confront that negative energy and turn it positive.

It may sound cheesy but a couple of my favorite sayings are :

"When God closes a door he opens a window."


"God helps those who help themselves."

If you're fat and out-of-shape, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, look at it as an opportunity to discover your inner strength. Getting into shape is not easy. Are you the kind of person who can do it, or are you a miserable person dwelling in your own self-pity?

People like to worry about the "ifs" in life. Well, that works both ways. "What if I get heart disease?" Turn that into, "What if I lose the weight and get fit?" Change your perspective. Change your attitude. Expell the negativity from your mind and suck it some positive.

It might just change yor life.

Train smart,



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