Friday, September 01, 2006

Next up is...

Okay, after 10 seconds your body switches over to your second anaerobic system called the Lactate system.

This system is used for energy while your ATP/PC system recovers. Your all out effort will now be down a gear even though you feel like you are pushing it as hard as you can. At this point your muscles are using almost all carbohydrates for energy. Carbs that are already in your muscles, their also called muscle sugar.

This energy system lasts from 10 seconds to about 2-3 depending on the person.

These two systems are what I primarily focus on with my wrestlers. Since a wrestling match is 6 minutes divided into 3 2 minute periods. They will mostly be using their ATP/PC and Lactate system throughout the match.

Have you ever gone up a bunch of stairs and you feel that burn? That's the lactate system. Lactic acid is building up in your muscles creating the burning sensation.

Remember, neither of these systems use oxygen directly to drive the muscles. You may ask then, "How come I'm breathing heavy?" Because the rest of your body needs oxygen of course. It is just not being used to directly fuel the muscles while your still in anaerobic mode. That's just a fact.

After this system is exhausted we finally move into the aerobic realm. But that's for next time.

Train smart,



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