Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sweet Dreams

One of the effects of regular exercise that you never really hear people talk about is how you become more "fine-tuned" to your body. It's almost like you become more unified within your own skin. You can listen to your body and command things of your body that you wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

One of the biggies you must tune into is when your body needs rest. Rest is a key component to fitness. Often people think I'm all "exercise, Exercise, EXERCISE!!!" and of course I am, but you need rest too. There are 3 ways your body gets more fit, exercise, nutrition and rest. Ignore one of those and you won't get near the results you have the potential for.

Now there's a difference between just being lazy and not working out and being legit in your need for rest. In fact, when you exercise regularly you begin to be able to tell the difference. I've had instances when I've been training pretty hard for a couple weeks, then all of a sudden I just feel it. My body is telling me to take a break. After a day or two of rest you can actually see that you continued to improve while resting.

Don't rest too much though. It takes a lot for someone to actually "overtrain" as it's called. Odds are you aren't. A good rule to follow is the "Genesis Rule." Like that? I just made that up. God worked for 6 days and rested 1. If it's good enough for Him it's enough good for you.

Train smart,



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