Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Isometrics are an often overlooked, yet powerful form of exercise. They work the muscle from the inside out. Try this little beauty and see what I mean:


Began in an up push-up position, butt inline with your back, head up, shoulders over hands (if you can't handle this put your knees down.)

Now lower yourself halfway down to the floor and hold. You are not only 1-2 inches above the ground. You are HALFWAY down. Your elbows will be at about 95-100 degrees.

Hold that for as long as you can.

You'll probably start to shake, that's fine. I call it the shake n' bake.

If you can do this for 1 minute you're doing good. 2 minutes you're in great shape. 3 minutes or more, you're a bona-fide stud/studette.

Give it a whirl.

Train smart,



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