Monday, January 15, 2007

Strong girl!

My little girl has been copying me working out a lot lately. It's cute. She makes these little grunting, straining faces, which I suppose means that's what I look like when I do it.

She says she is a "Strong girl!"

And she's right, she is, and will continue to be. I don't plan on letting up on my exercise. I also don't plan on forcing her to do it. I don't yell at her and tell her to come try this or that exercise. She sees me do it and naturally wants to try it on her own. So I help her out. I show her how to do it and help her do it the best she can (she is still only 3 1/2.) Then she cheers and is so proud of herself for doing it, "like daddy."

I often have overweight people ask me how they can stop their kids from being overweight. Sometimes I can be more blunt than with others depending on who I'm talking to and how well I know them. I tell them it starts with them.

Kids learn life habits by imitation. Especially at a young age. The older they get the harder it is to instill those healthy habits in them, especially if a bad one has moved in in it's place.

So exercise in front of your kids. Let them see you committed to taking care of your body. It will be one of the greatest gifts you will ever give them.

Train smart,



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