Friday, December 29, 2006

Roof racket

We're having a new roof put on our house right now. As I type this I can barely think straight because of the constant pounding. But I suppose it's worth it. I just need to get out of the house.

I remember back when we decided we needed to get new roof. At first I was thinking, "Oh yeah, I can do it myself." I thought I could just read up on it and get the stuff and bang it out in a weekend.

Then reality set in and I realized that while I can be handy for the small jobs, something as major as a new roof was out of my league. I admitted it and we hired an expert.

I feel like that is what I do for my clients. Sometimes their bodies are pretty bad off, they don't know how to do what they want so they hire an expert, me. You see, we all have our areas of expertise. Many of us have more that one. But it is important to realize when you honestly don't know what you're doing and seek help.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help.

I've heard some pretty frightening things from clients in the past after they figured out they needed an expert's help. Just a few that come to mind: One woman told me she thought she was eating a high protein diet, I asked her what protein she was eating, she said, "crackers." And she was serious.

Another woman told me she couldn't sweat because it made her make up run, and she was serious. Aw shucks, your make up might run? Then screw exercise!

One time a older man told me he wanted to get into shape because he was single, didn't have money and thought the only way he could get "a nice young wife" (as he put it) was to get fit. I asked him how young he was shooting for, his reply was "About 22-24." He was 61. Hey, I guess it could be possible!

I need to end this now because I am getting a headache. Think I'll go in the basement, it can't be as loud down there.

Train smart,


PS - I know I was supposed to talk about the joint mobility exercises again today, I'll get to that on Monday. Patience is a virtue you know.


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