Thursday, December 28, 2006

Move dem joints

Joint mobility exercises. What are they? How important are they?

Well, they're very important, especially for the more "mature" people out there. You see, as you age your flexibility and mobility are the first things to go. Performing exercises that promote them are crucial to maintaining a functioning, reliable machine (your body.)

Joint mobility exercises are exactly what they sound like. You move a joint through its full range of motion either with or without resistance (depending on what you're doing.) You focus on just moving the joint.

Some might ask what the difference is between joint mobility exercises and just regular exercises. I mean, when you do a exercise of any kind you are moving a joint aren't you? Well that's what I am going to cover tomorrow.

Until then...

Train smart,


PS - Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. Water lubricates the joints. You must stay hydrated or you're mobility and flexibility will go down the tubes.


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