Wednesday, December 20, 2006


A very simple exercise you can do that will get your blood pumping, build your wind and make you feel awesome is something called High Knees.

It is exactly what it sounds like. You basically run in place, but get your knees up to at least waist level. And you pump them fast. Each foot should only touch the ground for a fraction of a second before it's going back up again. Also pump your arms like you are running.

A good way to use this exercise is in interval training. For instance, sprint it as fast as you can for 20 seconds, then rest 20, and do another sprint for 20, and so on. You do that for 10 sprints and you'll see what I mean.

Remember give it everything you have for every sprint. The sweat will be flowing and you'll be huffing and puffing.

This is just an example of how simple functional fitness training can be, of course you can get much more complicated, but this is a good way for the beginner to get started.

Make sure you have some comfy shoes and/or you are on a padded surface. Oh and make sure there aren't any 1000 year old vases on shaky pedestals around you..the ground will shake like it's the Big One.

Train smart,



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