Monday, December 11, 2006

Tree haulin'

Like many of you out there I got my Christmas tree over the weekend. And yes, it is a CHRISTMAS tree, not a holiday tree. Anyway...

There was one person there who was also getting his tree who caught my attention for a brief moment. I noticed him because I thought he was about to have a heart attack while he was pulling the cart with his tree in it out of the farm grounds. He was overweight, but not obese. If you looked at him you would think he probably could lose 30 pounds but still seemed like he was strong and tough.

Apparently not.

His face was bright red and he was sucking wind something awful. Just when I thought he was about to drop; one of the farm employees came over to help. He was saved.

Now these carts actually make the trees seem pretty light and it was not difficult to pull one. That is why I'm convinced this man had some sort of pre-existing condition, like heart disease, slowing him down.

If you have heart disease that is not necessarily a death sentence. You can still, and should, exercise regularly. But you have to know your limits. It probably is not a good idea to push your heart to its limit everyday, until your doctor says it's okay.

I hope the man I saw is already under some sort of care. If not, I hope his outing to get his CHRISTMAS tree opened his eyes and got him to go see his doctor.

If you find that doing ordinary tasks that should be easy for even someone who is in bad shape, get yourself checked out. All too often people are in much worse condition then they think. Don't let pride get in the way of living.

Train smart,



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