Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Fulfill this!

Have you ever heard the term, "self-fulfilling prophecy?" Sure you have.

Don't let the idea that you're a failure at fitness, that you are destined to be fat, cause you to not even try. If you do, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I heard a woman talking like that yesterday. She was complaining about how she is just naturally a fat person and nothing, I repeat NOTHING, she COULD do would make a difference.

Well I guess you can't argue with that huh?

She may be more naturally predisposed to gaining weight and fat, but that by no means mean she CANNOT do anything about it.

If she worked hard and watched her eating she would lose fat, that's just the biology of it. It WILL happen if it is done correctly. The problem is most people don't do it correctly. Or even know how.

Here's an idea, turn the self-fulfilling prophecy angle into a positive one. "I know I'll get into shape because I have the knowledge and the will to do it." Now that's a prophecy worth fulfilling.

Check your negative attitude at the door and come into my world. Constantly strive to improve and get the Max Q out of you.

Train smart,



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