Friday, November 24, 2006


So, did everyone get their Thanksgiving day workout in?

I did. But it was tough.

I got up at 5am to get the Turkey in the oven, then I was dozing on and off on the couch, getting up every 30-45 minutes to check on it. My wife got up around 8:30 and we started cleaning up the house and getting ready for our guests coming at 11.

Well, I kept telling myself, "Self, you must get a workout in before everyone gets here, because if you wait and tell yourself you'll just do it tonight you won't because you'll be tired and lazy."

I know myself well enough to know that.

Finally, at about 10 my wife got in the shower to get ready, and I said, "Time to rock." So I took the 20 minutes it took her to get ready to put myself through the ringer. I worked out all the stress I had in me from everything I had to get done for Thanksgiving. And after I was done I felt so much better. I was relaxed and calm.

I then cleaned myself up right in time for our first guests to arrive. And it was a great day.

Might I add my turkey was juicy and succulent. One might call it perfect, yes, it was a perfect turkey.

So be thankful you can exercise. Be thankful you can move your body. Be thankful you are alive. It may sound cheesy, but this is the season for cheesiness.

For those of you crazy enough to go shopping today, take some time to get some exercise in, you'll feel more energized when you're fighting for those deals.

Train smart,



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