Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Daddy watch me!

Yesterday was parents observation day in my daughter's dance class. I was there along with most of the other parents, combined all of us had about 10 grand worth or audio/video equipment to record this event.

My daughter was a little distracted by me being there. Most of the time she was just doing her own thing, but when it came time to do the drills she was all business. She enjoys the actual dancing, just not the waiting around in between.

Made me think, at that age (she's 3) kids just do what they want and hopefully listen to their parents who tell them what to do so they are safe.

If only adults would do that. If only adults would realize all the people telling them to exercise are just trying to keep them safe. Too often adults just do what they want and as a result get fatter and more unhealthy by the day.

Is it time you get 'all business' about your fitness level? If you need a coach to push you, be proactive and go out and find one. I know one whose really really good.

But no leaving the sessions to go to the potty, I have to draw the line somewhere.

Train smart,



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