Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just give me 30

Get started. Do whatever it takes.

30 seconds is better than nothing.

A good ol' basic free squat, done the way I teach it, is one of the best exercises you can do. And you can get 25 done in about 30 seconds when you get good at them.

If you can't get 25, do 10 or even just 5 or 1. Do whatever you can to get started.

Just getting those muscles and joints moving, working together to obtain a goal is the key to functional fitness. Believe it or not, just 30 seconds with some of the functional exercises I teach will gas out the average person.

I had a client once who thought our session was over, after just the warm-up! She said to me, "Whew, that was a good leg workout." I replied, "No, it was a good leg warm-up."

You see, when you do functional fitness training you really find out what you're made of. I've seen big, bulky bodybuilder types, who the lay person would think were in great shape, be ready to pass out after just 20 seconds. Why? Because they do not train for function.

Sure, you'll look better when you do functional training, but that is not the #1 goal. The goal is to have your body function to a greater extent. The looks will come along with that. As well as the ability to do the things you want, and excel at them.

So, if all you can do is 30 seconds, then get off your butt and do it. And tomorrow do 31 seconds.

Train smart,



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