Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It must be the lighting in here.

I've been filming myself doing certain exercises recently. It's for various purposes, one being a little montage I put on my homepage if you want to see it,

Anyway, I would recommend if you have the means to video tape yourself doing your favorite exercises. You can see yourself at all different angles. Stuff you can't see in a mirror.

It can help you fine tune your technique and form. You may notice you're favoring a side of your body which is hindering your balance. Perhaps you're leaning to far this way, or that way.

Whatever it is. Some things you can't see with a mirror.

And if you're like most people you'll probably see something you don't like and be motivated to train harder. But at the same time be sure you are appreciative of what you CAN do. There are many people out there who would give anything to just be able to walk.

The ability to exercise and move is a privilege. So often we take it for granted. I saw a gentleman in a wheel chair yesterday while I was voting. And it really struck me how earlier in the day I was complaining about my form on a certain exercise. I told myself to just shut up and be thankful I can do it to begin with, and to just work harder if I want to get better.

If you can move, take care of your body by exercising. You don't have the right not to.

Train smart,



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