Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Plateau Destruction

Plateaus are a natural part of training. Everyone experiences them and everyone feels frustrated by them.

There's debate as to why plateaus happen. I subscribe to the most logical and common sensical explanation. Our bodies adapt to what we've been doing, especially if we do the same thing over and over. They get to the point where they've gotten as many results as they're going to get with that particular training regime.

This is why I'm constantly mixing things up, following the variation principle of fitness training.

If you find yourself hitting a plateau try this: vary the duration, intensity, frequency, or even the style of your training. Getting burnt out on jogging? Try jumping some rope. Getting sick of lifting weights? Do some body weight calisthenics (they're better for you anyway.) Get the idea?

Everyone can get burnt out on one thing. Keep it interesting and mix things up a little, and blast through those plateaus.

Train smart,



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