Friday, October 20, 2006

Stay on Target

Stay on target.

All too often we get distracted by life. The everyday stuff gets in the way of what we should be and want to be doing.

I have a pretty busy weekend this weekend. But you better believe I will find the time to get my workouts in. It is a priority.

Flipping the switch in your mind, turning exercise into a priority, is essential.

You can't go through life with the idea that exercise is something you would do...if you had the time. That is a recipe for failure, I see it all the time.

So stay on target this weekend. Promise yourself you will handle your priorities first. And make a good workout high up on that list.

Welp, I got some new workout goodies from my favorite fitness equipment company last night so I'm off to play with them a little. Yes I said fitness equipment, true you don't NEED any equipment to get in shape, but it's always fun to mix it up some and try new things. Besides this equipment is like nothing you've seen in a gym, it's used to enhance the functional fitness exercises I do. Anyway, have a great and fit weekend.

Train smart,



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