Thursday, October 26, 2006

86,400 Seconds

While trying to decide on what I should write today I was thinking about some of the most common questions I'm asked. One of them is, "what time of day is best to exercise?"

My answer, "Whenever you can."

Sometimes when I give people that answer they think I'm being sarcastic. I explain to them that I am serious. It doesn't really matter what some doctor or researcher tells you about what time of day is best for you to exercise. What matters is that you do it.

Morning, afternoon, evening, late night. Whenever you can fit it in.

I workout at all different times of day depending on my schedule. Sometimes morning, sometimes late at night, and sometimes inbetween.

It's all about action and doing it, not using scheduling as an excuse to get out of it.

I've had people tell me, "well, I have no time in the morning so I just can't exercise because I've read it you can't get it done in the morning there's no point." First of all, where the heck are they reading that?! Second, I ask them if they watch TV at night, they say yes, I say, exercise instead. Make the time.

I've also had people tell me they can't workout at night because they have trouble falling asleep if they exercise late. Let me tell you as someone who does it regularly, that goes away once you get used to it. I can do a hard workout for an hour, then fall asleep for the night right after if I have to. Just like anything you just need to get conditioned to it.

So don't use your busy schedule as a crutch. Get that exercise in...or suffer the consequences.

Train smart,



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