Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'm so glad this day is here.

No more political ads, at least for the time being.

I believe that thoughts project energy so every time one of these nasty ads comes on I feel a rush of negative energy filling the room. It's just sad. Everybody just calls each other stupid. It's becoming more and more childish and ridiculous every election. And everybody does it.

Negative energy makes you feel tired and sluggish, you don't want to exercise. I swear, every time I saw one of those ads I felt that way.

So now that the ads will cease maybe you'll feel more like exercising.

I think I'll run for office. I won't bash my opponent, I'll just threaten to put them through a killer Max Q Training workout. Of course I suppose they'd have to be willing and able, and if they're like most people, they aren't.

My clients are special people, they are Doers. People who take action and go. They make things happen.

Make sure you go vote today, it's your privilege.

I want to propose a new proposition, for every negative ad a politician "approves this message" on they need to do 100 pushups. That should put a stop to it.

Train smart,



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