Thursday, November 02, 2006

Time It

Time stops for no man, unless you're Marty McFly, but that's a different story.

I like to use time to help push me through my workouts.

A good stopwatch can be all the fitness equipment you need. Say for example you want to be able to do 25 straight push-ups (small attainable goal.)

Start your timer and bang out as many as you can. Say you get 8. Now recover but keep that timer going. Once you're able, do some more. Keep that going until you've gotten all 25. Then stop the timer. That is your base time.

Now every time you do the push-ups try to beat your time. And eventually you'll take less and less breaks, until no breaks at all and 25 are done in a row.

I use this technique all the time with great success. Give it a shot and achieve.

Train smart,



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