Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm Talking to the Man in the Mirror

I have a little tip for you today.

Try exercising in front of a mirror. Look into your eyes while you're struggling. This helps with motivation and can actually make you bang out a few more reps or last a little bit longer. It's like you're feeding off of your own energy.

Sure, mirrors are good for checking your form and all that, but they can also be a great motivation tool.

Overweight people tend to try to avoid mirrors because they don't like what they see. I used to. You have to confront it and look yourself in the eye and promise yourself you will change, then do it.

Have you ever heard someone say, "now look me in the eye and say that."? Sure you have, it's something we do so we know someone isn't lying. We like to think someone can't lie to you when they are looking you in the eye. Most people can't. Unfortunately some can. Can you? Looks yourself in the eye and see what you're really made of. Then break a sweat.

Train smart,



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