Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Good Problem

There is only so much time in the day.

Today I'm going to talk about a problem everyone should have, wanting to do too many activities for exercise.

I fall into this problem a lot. I have so many different training ideas and things I'm into, sometimes it's hard to find time to do them all.

I know some other people who like to lift weights, run and do other various exercises, and have the same issue

The answer to this problem is to realize there is only so much time in the day, and unless you're a professional athlete and/or were born into money, you don't have all of it to exercise.

There are some exercises I like that I only do once every week or two. You would think I wouldn't see any improvement doing them that infrequently. But as long as I'm doing SOMETHING everyday, I do.

Pick your absolute favorite exercises and do those 3-4 times a week, then on the other days do the ones that almost made the list. And every now and then have a day where you do all the weird stuff you want to try but never can seem to fit in.

Trust me, as long as you are exercising you're body is happy.

There is one particular plyometric workout I do that takes about an hour and wipes me out for a long time after. Pretty much on days I do that that is ALL I do. But I only do that workout about every 10-14 days, and you know what? Every time I do it I see improvement. In fact there was a time when I tried to do it twice a week, and actually got worse.

Your body needs variation. Just DO something and you will see results. GAR-UN-TEED!

Train smart,



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