Monday, December 04, 2006

Pay off

We're one week into wrestling practice. And so far so good, I have no real complaints. For the most part the team has been performing well. We've had a couple whiners but nothing too bad.

Having the negative energy of just one kid who doesn't want to be there in the room can bring the whole practice down. This is why we tell them, if you don't want to be here, then quit, no hard feelings.

You have to understand the reason for what you are doing and use that as the motivation to "enjoy" it. If all you're thinking while you are exercising is how much you don't want to do it then that negative energy will carry over and you won't see many results if any.

I've worked with people before with such negative attitudes that it seemed to me like they would stay up at night to think of new ways to complain. And lo and behold, those were the very same people who would not see any great improvements. Gee, I wonder why? They would probably say it was my fault.

Understand, your mental state is important. Don't just drudge your way through a lame workout. Get excited about what you're doing. Sure, it may be tough, but enjoy the challenge. Feed off of it and I promise it will pay off.

Train smart,



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