Monday, July 16, 2007

Fourth and final

A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.

The fourth and final step in developing persistence (according to the man, Napolean Hill.)

This one is also very simple. Find a friend or friends to workout with if you can, or at least keep each other accountable. This is all about accountability. Letting people down can be a strong motivator. Especially if they are people you respect and care about.

Some of the best training sessions I've coached have been with clients who are friends and train together. They push each other onto greater improvements faster than they would have if they were on their own.

It is a great phenomenon. It works in all aspects of life. But of course I am focusing on fitness. What is boils down to is it is so much easier to stay motivated when you aren't alone.

So if you find yourself struggling, call a friend, or go make a new one and find some time for you two to exercise together. Track each other's progress, make it a game, a friendly competition. You will find yourself having no trouble finding the persistence to stick with a program.

Now get out there and PERSIST!

Train smart,



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