Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Step 2

Step numero 2 in developing persistence is having...

...a definite plan, expressed in continuous action.

Sounds simple enough right? You would think.

Many people who even believe in the idea of making plans, for career, social goals, etc.. simply overlook doing it for their fitness life. They just "get some exercise in when they can."

No no no.

Taking care of your body should be a major priority and it deserves a definite plan of attack. This is why I always tell people to find something they like doing, that way they (or I) can build a fitness plan around performing that activity or activities. Someone who wants to run marathons should not train to get big and bulky like a bodybuilder for example.

Having a definite plan for your fitness regime can be as simple as blocking out a time everyday to do something. Or you can get as specific as scheduling out specific exercises at specific times of day for specific amount of time/reps. It's whatever you find works for you.

You just need A DEFINITE PLAN. Experiment a little at first to find out what works for you, but once you find it, stick with it.

Train smart,



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