Friday, June 22, 2007

Hodge Podge!

Here's a little workout tip. I do this sometimes just for fun, in fact I think I'm going to do it today. It works well when you know a lot of exercises, and believe me, there's more than a few floating around in my head.

I call it the 30 second hodge podge workout.

Here's what you do: Get a timer, preferably one that repeats itself at the end of a countdown, and set it for 30 seconds. You'll be doing 30 second intervals. Now the fun part is to have no idea as to what exercises you're going to do, just wing it. Start the timer and go all out on any exercise, whatever pops into your head.

Once that 30 seconds is over, take the next 30 off as recovery time, just do a light jog or walk, then when the recovery is over go into something else, all out for 30 seconds.

You are doing sprint intervals, but with all kinds of different exercises.

Challenge yourself and you'll have a great workout. Go for 10 rounds at first. Each round is 1 minute obviously, so 10 rounds, 10 minutes. I usually like to go for 20, believe me, 20 thirty second sprints of anything is a killer.

The 30 second hodge podge workout!

Go try it.

Train smart,



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