Thursday, June 21, 2007


It's important to make your training personal. You have to find a REASON for you to do it.

Very rarely will you ever find a legitimately fit person who when you ask, "why do you train?" They say,"I dunno."

Everyone has a reason. Maybe it's just to stay healthy and avoid the pitfalls their parents fell into. Perhaps they're weekend competitive athletes. Whatever it is. Everyone must have a reason, a purpose, to train.

You see amazing results, especially in children, when they suddenly find that reason.

Find an activity, a sport, something you enjoy and can get passionate about. And then don't feel bad that you aren't an expert at it instantly.

I've seen people start something they really enjoy that is making them want to exercise, but then they get discouraged because some young kid whose been doing it since they were born is 100 times better than them and they let that discouragement get to them and eventually they quit. It's a shame.

Listen, everyone has a starting point. Wether your 5 or 105, it makes no difference. Just get started. Find something to make it personal to you, then get out there and go do it. Never let anyone stop you.

Train smart,



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