Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Face the fear

Facing fear is a big part of getting into shape.

People are afraid of change, of failure, criticism, or even success.

Then there's the fear of doing something wrong and/or injuring yourself.

However, fear can also be useful tool for motivation. Fearing what will happen if you don't exercise has been the catalyst for many people. If it works, it works.

We need to learn to conquer our fears and use them to our advantage. Few things are as powerful. Some might argue love is more powerful, maybe in a perfect world, but just think about all the people who've missed out on love because they were too afraid to go for it.

The best way to defeat fear is action. Action is movement and growth. So get moving, exercise, defeat the fears in your life. Do what you fear and fear has no hold on you. Life is too short to go through it as a coward.

Train smart,



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