Monday, June 04, 2007


I saw an infomercial, at least part of one, this weekend for this fitness program called "motionless exercise." Funny stuff.

This woman is actually marketing to the people who just don't want to move but "still want to exercise." Are you kidding me?

First of all this "motionless exercise" is nothing new. Isometrics, dynamic tension exercises etc..have been around a long long time. I've just never heard anyone market them as motionless exercise. That's making them sound like they're easy. Truth is they aren't. In fact I think isometrics are one of the hardest forms of exercises out there, they challenge your mind big time.

Can you get some results using just them? Sure. But I'm of the opinion you should aim for all around fitness, and that means training in a variety of ways.

The sad part is there are people out there thinking, "Cool! I can just buy this program and not even have to move to get exercise! It'll be easy!!" No it won't. Sorry.

Work hard. Move and sweat. And you will have great results.

Train smart,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this "shapely secrets" infomercial this morning. What I thought was that it was some kind of isometric thing but they didn't do a single demonstration. If there was a way that I could do some really great, effective workout while at my desk during the day that would be great. I've spent nearly 2 hours at the gym daily for years and not lost a pound. My weight seems to be stuck. I've had food diaries analyzed, workout routines reviewed and everyone says I'm doing well. My scale says otherwise. The infomercial is dumb no doubt about that but I was curious to know what the hell she has people do. Any extra movement in my day wouldn't hurt (even if it's "motionless" lol).

11:28 AM  

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