Tuesday, May 22, 2007


One of my favorite sayings is "Focus on the result, not the excuse."

In other words, think about what you can do and not on what you think you can't.

Everybody always has a reason why they can't do something. They're too old, or young. They're too tired, or don't have the time. They aren't smart enough, or strong enough. All is BS.

We all have potential in us that is untapped for most of our lives. Everyone. And if you go through life focusing on your excuses you will never get any meaningful results.

Whenever you feel yourself making an excuse for why you can't do something you want ask yourself "why."

Really consciously examine if what you are telling yourself is a valid reason or just fear trying to stop you from reaching your desired results. You'll soon discover there are very few legitimate excuses out there.

Stop limiting yourself to what the world thinks you should be and grow yourself into the person you were meant to be.

Train smart,



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