Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I pulled a muscle in my back yesterday and it is killing me right now. However, from prior experience I know it is something that will heal in a day or two.

Sometimes you just get hurt, no matter how in condition you are.

One of my coaches used to say, "are you hurt or are you injured?" The two are very different. Being hurt is something that you can live with and will be fine in a few hours/days. An injury is something that needs serious attention. I've been lucky in my life so far and have just been mostly hurt. I have had some injuries, but nothing too too bad.

It can be very discouraging when you get hurt. Especially when you are as into working out as I am. Today I'm going to have to rest, I really have no choice, because it hurts to move.

It's important to keep the big picture in mind. One or two days days off will not derail any fitness goals I have set for myself, even though it will feel like it. All too often people will give up on a fitness program because they missed a couple days and feel like there's no point in continuing. Not the case. If you have a minor set back, think of it as just that, minor. And get back up on that horse as soon as you are capable.

Now I need to go lie still and do some deep breathing exercises and command my body to heal.

Train smart,



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