Monday, May 07, 2007

Walk the dog

We adopted a dog last week. Well, puppy. He's about 10 months old so he's like a adolescent canine. He's a basset hound mix, mixed with what we aren't sure. Everything on him screams basset houns except for his ears and his color (black and white.)

My daughter is thrilled and he's very good with her.

"Taking the dog for a walk" is not only for the dog, you can use it to squeeze in some exercise yourself. I'm no dog whisperer but I know it's important to lead your dog on the walks, you don't let them lead you. That means they belong at your side and slightly behind. They should never be in front. Anyway, why am I saying this? Because that means you set the pace of the walk. You keep it going and turn it into an actual workout session.

Dogs like to be lead, they like to work. They have it built into their genes. And you know what? So do you. That's why you feel good after a workout. Your body needs to move, it wants to move. Life is movement.

Make your dog happy by getting into shape. I bet you've never heard that sentence before.

Train smart,



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