Thursday, May 03, 2007

Get strong

Here's a good one.

"The only way to get stronger is to lift heavy weights."

That is not true. You can get stronger lifting heavy weights, but you can also get stronger by lifting light weights or no weight at all, meaning just your body weight.

The type of training I specialize in is functional fitness training. Now the term "functional" has become sort of a buzzword in the fitness world lately, but the style of training has been around for literally thousands of years. Long before the first pec deck was invented.

Lifting heavy weights on a regular basis can actually lead to damaging the body later on in life. Don't believe me? Try to find an older heavy weightlifter, like a body builder or power lifter, most of the time their bodies are falling apart. Then have severe joint pain and sometimes take 60 minutes in the morning to "loosen" up before then can even walk right, or even get out of bed.

You can get stronger without heavy weights. A lot stronger. Look at a male gymnast (females too), they're strong as hell for their body size, and they don't lift heavy weights, in fact I doubt they even lift weights at all. They train by moving their bodies through space, and they get strong, really strong.

So don't believe everything you see in the glossy fitness magazines. If you even look at them at all, you'd be better off spending the money on fruits and veggies.

Do you know that a lot of those world's strongest man guys drop dead in their 30's and 40's? Their hearts give out. I'm not saying they all do, but a surprising amount statistically do. Could that mean what they are doing is bad for them in the long term? Plus they probably pump their bodies full of unnatural "enhancers." Perhaps.

The average person who just wants to be strong enough to function well in life does not need to bench press 600 pounds. Do 50-100 straight push-ups, and you'll get stronger. Guaranteed.

Train smart,



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